Tuesday, August 13, 2019

No offense, but...

On the escalation of slurs and the Politically Correct's argument against their usage...

First the Euphemism Treadmill Phenomena: 
The process by which a pejorative term is replaced by a more politically correct term, only to over time be corrupted and used pejoratively itself until a new term is introduced, upon which the cycle repeats itself.

So named because walking on a treadmill gives you the illusion of going somewhere, when actually not making any progress. Basically a form of political correctness masturbation. (emphasis mine)
The best example of a euphemism treadmill is the word "retarded", which was originally adopted as a more apt and kinder alternative to previous medical terms such as "moron", "imbecile", and "idiot".

"Retarded" is currently considered a pejorative insult, so new terms have been invented such as "special needs" and "intellectualy disabled", which will in time become pejorative insults themselves.
Posted on Urban Dictionary by Frank Marlowe May 12, 2016
You are only offended by words because you allow yourself to be - or you are a child. 

It breaks down to this binary. Either you are looking to pick a fight and claim the moral high ground - on the defensive to the disuse of the chosen word... or you are still in a childhood conditioned mindset where you know some words are for adults that you can't use. 

If one is an adult and makes the choice to use these offensive words, they take those societal consequences on themselves and you can trust - if you do believe you are speaking adult-to-adult that the use of the word comes with understanding of context and history of the word. 

Even if you can confidently self define as a slur, nigger, cunt, dumb fucker, faggot... (Breathe) you have no right to retort.

One's options when confronted with slurs may be two: 
1. Throw a punch to discourage the behavior 
2. Walk away and stop future interaction with this asshole
3. Discuss and convince

You can't be cyber bullied without your consent. Your cultural past gives word's context, but you're still personally responsible for any response.

Let me simply invent a new slur...! but how would I give it meaning or power without historical context...? History which is in the past - which we may hope to improve from and not regress to. Do we give English words death sentences by unspeaking them, or by defusing and forgiving them as part of an old definition with current use?


On the other hand, former-slurs maybe given strength by the satirical or absurd usage of the words. While intent may be ambiguous from one party, it may enable the concretely bigotted to less fearfully use it with malice. 

It comes down to forgiveness real quick. Of both sides. Them for their transgressions and you for yours. Whatever they may be. I don't care if you stole the declaration of their Independence or tripped them in public. 

Okay sorry if you were startled there

Some offense I guess haha