Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Masked Discourse

Electronic conversations more common in the stay at home future-state we love in [I'm keeping that typo]. Electronic conversations become relationships - relationships that are given definition and context only fueled by conversation and discourse. 



to communicate thoughts orally; talk; converse. 

Consider the groundwork: 
The human mind has been strictly built and evolved for in-person discourse. When one tries to convey abstract thoughts into language there is a clumsy filtering – a great distilling from imagination into clumsy words.

Electronic discourse isn't strictly different from in-person discourse. But, what does give electronic conversations definition?
  • What gives clumsy words power and definition is the entire conversation. In text conversation every statement is a conclusion. In person only last statements in a conversation are so final, so conclusive. It's exhausting when every statement is a conclusion. 
  • There is no forgiveness. In-person discourse has many side conversations that are laughed off - there is only one thread. Does a “lol” diffuse all tension – does it ask for all forgiveness? Is that "request for forgiveness" given or even able to be conveyed? There is no opportunity for apology for clumsy or dated language.
  • It now eternally recorded. Consider an eternally researchable relationship now accessible through key search terms, it can be scrolled back through till whichever first party pleases. That subconscious understanding influences first point of view choices. Limited by first person subconscious guilt of what they say without inflection and body language. 
  • Consider the pitfall: Text conversations can be viewed by the second party in the conversation with an enormous and thick veil of cynicism. It's understandable if you are taught this defense mechanism by a constant barrage of self inflicted or background overload of textual or otherwise electronic information. You are in a golden age and therefore gluttony of information.
Any one of these handcuffs can mask your relationship with someone. 

  • Remember the good times you had together with someone? None of those times were when you were texting.
  • Don't text your other friends when you are with your other friends.