Saturday, May 31, 2014

New Challenges

It is easy to be reserved in the face of new life challenges or problems. However, when approaching these new situations do not focus on your actual cognitive and physical ability to complete the objective. Instead take stock of your previous experience in overcoming challenges, specifically your problem solving and reactionary skills, and harness that knowledge in your upcoming endeavor. 

Consider also how often situations turn out differently than what first analysis might reveal. Tirtiary understanding can rarely be trusted. (This counts for both yours and a third parties first analysis). Knowing this, when approachingy a new life territory, fortify your existing strengths and don't worry about he unknown. 

Those lacking self confidence in the face of bigger life problems may have an easier time improving by focusing on these two skills, instead of letting the looming problem dominate their thoughts. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

People Don't Mean What They Say

This is not meant in a manipulative sense - it means people want to impart their deep understanding of some things but are forced into the construct of short conversation and language.

Though you want to try to deliver your knowledge/feelings/understanding to another person, rarely can you conjure a perfect few sentences to encapsulate all that you mean. And if those words did exist, it can hardly come up during everyday conversation - you simply don't have enough time to put thought into your words, you just have to spit out whatever is closest in your mind. 

Take this into mind during your conversations. Realize your conversation partner's frustration with complicated subjects. Try and extrapolate their thinking, and don't be passive. It's very discouraging to have to do all the work in a conversation without helpful probing questions. 

This becomes especially important if something is said that pushes barriers or buttons - try and understand how that statement makes sense instead of recoiling defensively. (Though take this statement only with your closer relationships, as people saying offensive things early in relationships have their own complications)