Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Orchestra

A director asks an orchestral member a question he already knows the answer to: “now tell me we're you rushing OR DRAGGING!”

He knows this answer, but only by his virtue of his job, he is has the job of music judge. He is comparing, and thereby judging the members' recital of their dexterous memorization; read: song.

This quip illustrates the operation of the director in action:

“I was in a very accomplished symphonic band in high school. We got yelled at. A lot. But when the director stopped yelling, it usually meant something profound was coming out. He said that we needed to practice our music until we got it right. Once we got it right, we needed to practice doing it right until right was the only way we were capable of doing it.” - Dracofaerie2

and further:

“Amateurs practice until they get it right. Professionals practice until they don't get it wrong.” - registraciya

The music judge is comparing the individual recital to the collective recital, and further to the director's perfect recital - which exists only in the expectation part of one's brain. 

Don't fall into the trap of creating your own inner judge to spin comparison's of your life's achievements against perfection.