Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Stone on Stone

The awareness of existence like two great granite slabs getting pulverized by one another. You are one slab, reality is the other - a great rough slope. Sliding down a face with incomprehensible geologic pressure, chips and chunks flying in your face as both your consciousness and reality are carved by your existence. 
You are consumed and spent as you go. How can one be expected to pull your head out for a breath or sense of direction? Your senses are overwhelmed and minor compared to the great grinding descent.
Your choices are ruined by the great pulverization - all paths lead down slope to similitude, illusion, and mediocrity. There is no stopping your descent and grind down the slopes of reality.

You are too close to the fracturing action to change your direction in but only the most minor ways.

Great powers observing your situation over your lifetime might see a great but common scar down the granite slope of reality. With it, billions of others on common paths, mostly directed along those of least resistance. Many again shattered and split among the many hazards along the slope, mostly unavoidable by most. Many again reaching their journey's physical conclusion, reduced to dust and picked up by the wind.