Friday, October 4, 2024

Vulnerability vs the Vice Grip

It is a virtue to be like an empty cup, accepting new experiences and information without bias, without displacing or tainting an existing solution. 

Where is the balance though when the world at large is not out to provide you non-vitriol, non-pollutants? Anger, falsehood, and pessimism drive engagement for one and for many. Attention is as precious as currency. Corruption is free and easy, wholesomeness is demanding and hidden.

If one dives into a globalized world with an empty cup, though virtuously, one can easily damage oneself. 

So then, how to censor the inputs before you're humbled less crushed? What is healthy censorship?

How to know what will hurt before you've had the first-hand experience? Some inputs are zero-sum, their pollutant so strong one exposure can defile. 

How does one acquire the strength to resist the sweet poisons? How do you know anything before you experience everything


Now everyone break into groups and discuss the questions together. Wait, no, not you, it looks like we have an odd number today.